Super Square-1 Cube Puzzle Demo

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This browser-based software will show how to solve Super Square-1 Puzzle with step-by-step animation accompanied by detailed description of every interactive move.

● The secret in solving Super Square-1 are a few simple easy to remember tricks that are used over and over again.

● It will make you solve Super Square-1. Guaranteed.

● You can also learn to do many pretty Super Square-1 patterns, turn by turn in slow-motion animation.

● Experience the dynamic highlights. It will wow you.

● The amazing java applet will appear shortly. It is well worth the wait. If not, fire off an angry email to me.

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Learn to Solve Super Square-1 Cube Puzzle

If nothing happens when you press the key, click on the puzzle applet to get its attention, then try the key again.

You can try mouse click or mouse drag.

NB: Trick1, 2 and 3 can only be applied when Super Square-1 is in cube-shape.

You may want to reset the Cube because the cube outlines (when shown) are applicable only when the Super Square-1 Cube is in cube-shape.
Contact with the following:

†  Patten name (make it catchy).
†  Image of the pattern.
†  Instructions on how to achieve it.

Your name, city and home page URL (if provided) will be posted along with your chosen pattern name.

Send a quick email regarding this step if you have a comment or question.

If you are not clear about this step or wish to know why, we encourage you to seek clarification via instant email, anonymously if you so wished.

Send a quick webmail if you have a comment or question.

You can send instant email, anonymously if you so wished.

Please provide a valid email address if you desire a reply.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Main Entry: quad·rant
Pronunciation: 'kwä-dr&nt
Function: noun

3a:  any of the four parts into which a plane is divided by rectangular coordinate axes lying in that plane

3b:  any of the four quarters into which something is divided by two real or imaginary lines that intersect each other at right angles
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Main Entry: insight
Pronunciation: 'in-"sIt
Function: noun

1.  the power or act of seeing into a situation

2.  the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively

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3.  If paid by PayPal, please email The full amount will be sent to you as a PayPal payment.
4.  Please delete the software.
5.  If you choose to keep it, may we ask that you keep it within your immediate household only. Thank you.

You can slow the animation speed to observe the moves or you can speed it up.

You can even change the speed in the middle of a animation.

You can save/restore a cube state to/from a file in your computer or memory in the sandBox panel (in [Option]-tab). Here is valuable learning tip:
1.  Scramble a cube then save it to file.
2.  Restore the saved scrambled cube from file.
3.  Study the step-by-step solution.
4.  Repeat step 2 as often as you wish.
This allows you to be familiar with the same moves over and over again.
Key-1 to key-3 are pre-assigned to do Trick1 to Trick3.

You can assign key-6,key-7 and key-8 to execute your favourite moves:

1.  Click [Option]-tab in the cube applet.
2.  In cannedMove6, type in your moves (click ? for help).
3.  Go back to cube applet (click applet tab).
4.  Click on the applet background to get its attention. Then press key-6.

By editing a simple text-file in your computer, you can change your start up options such as:

1.  playAudio = true, playAudioIntro = false
2.  showSandBox = true
3.  animationSpeed = "6" (0 to 10).
4.  cannedMove6 = "R1> B1B2>"

Look for a text file in your installed folder with extension ".cfg".

Other benefits such as

†  No need for internet connection.
†  Faster load time.
†  Browser window resize.
†  Define and animate your cube pattern.
†  Product support and updates.

You can record your favourite move and assign it to key-6, key-7 or key-8.

Play back your move by pressing key-6, key-7 or key-8.

This is a great feature when you use a move over and over again to solve the puzzle.

Please rate this Demo software from

1 (very bad) to 10 (very good).

Thank you for your input.

Every cube state in the step by step dialog has a link that leads you to a wiki webpage that provide details on that state, including discussions and questions from other users.

You can also contribute your insights or ask or discuss a point pertaining to this state.

There shall be no shortage of detail or discussion on every cube state, thanks to the power of wiki.

Internet connection is required to access this Super Square-1 Wiki which is the collection of all these wiki pages, one for each cube state.

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Super Square-1 Cube Puzzle Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved.
Current State is 0101. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

The one w30°edge in LOWERslice is not going to add to more consecutive w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1101. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

The one w30°edge in BOTTOMslice is not going to add to more consecutive w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0110. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

UPPERslice (lemon-shape) has 8 w30°edges and LOWERslice (star-shape) has 0 w30°edge.

Current State is 1110 The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

TOPslice (lemon-shape) has 8 w30°edges and BOTTOMslice (star-shape) has 0 w30°edge.

Current State is 0111. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there is one w30°edge in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1111. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there is one w30°edge in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0112. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there are 2 w30°edges in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1112. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there are 2 w30°edges in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0113. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there are 3 w30°edges in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1113. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there are 3 w30°edges in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0114. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there are 4 w30°edges in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1114. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there are 4 w30°edges in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0115. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there are 5 w30°edges in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1115. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there are 5 w30°edges in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0116 The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

But there are 6 w30°edges in LOWERslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in UPPERslice.

Current State is 1116. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

But there are 6 w30°edges in BOTTOMslice which can be moved to join up with other w30°edges in TOPslice.

Current State is 0170. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape and UPPERslice has 7 clustered w30°edges and 1 isolated w30°edge.
Current State is 0170. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Here, TOPslice has 7 clustered w30°edges and 1 isolated w30°edge.
Current State is 0180. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but UPPERslice has 8 clustered w30°edges and LOWERslice is star-shape.
Current State is 1180. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Here, TOPslice has 8 clustered w30°edges and BOTTOMslice is star-shape.
Current State is 0185. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but UPPERslice is tulip-shape and LOWERslice is star-shape.
Current State is 1185. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Here, TOPslice is a tulip-shape and BOTTOMslice is star-shape.
Current State is 0190. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have known patterns such as kite-shape, Butterfly-shape, etc.
Current State is 1190. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Fortunately both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have known patterns such as kite-shape, Butterfly-shape, etc.
Current State is 0192. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have kite-shape.
Current State is 1192. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Fortunately both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have kite-shape.
Current State is 0193. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have butterfly-shape.
Current State is 1193. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Fortunately both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have butterfly-shape.
Current State is 0195. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape but UPPERslice and LOWERslice have kite-shape and butterfly-shape.
Current State is 1195. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped. Fortunately TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have kite-shape and butterfly-shape.
Current State is 0200. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape but UPPERcorners do not have matching side-colors.
Current State is 1200. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are in square-shape but TOPcorners do not have matching side-colors.
Current State is 0201. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape but they are not aligned.
Current State is 1201. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are in square-shape but they are not aligned.
Current State is 0202. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape.

But UPPERcorners do not have matching side-colors.

Current State is 1202. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are in square-shape

But TOPcorners do not have matching side-colors.

Current State is 0200. The MIDDLE2slices are not in square-shape.

Both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have known patterns such as kite-shape.

Butterfly-shape, etc.

Current State is 1200. The MIDDLE2slices are solved but TOPBOTTOMslices are not square-shaped.

Both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have known patterns such as kite-shape.

Butterfly-shape, etc.

Current State is 0202. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and UPPERslice has 2 good corners.
Current State is 1202. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. TOPslice has 2 good corners.
Current State is 0203. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape but LOWERslice has more good corners (corners with matching side-colors) than UPPERslice.
Current State is 1203. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped..

But BOTTOMslice has more good corners (corners with matching side-colors) than TOPslice.

Current State is 0204. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and UPPERslice has 4 good corners (corners with matching side-colors).
Current State is 1204. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. TOPslice has 4 good corners (corners with matching side-colors).
Current State is 0206. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and LOWERslice has 4 good corners (all LOWERcorners have matching side-colors).
Current State is 1206. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. BOTTOMslice has 4 good corners (all BOTTOMcorners have matching side-colors).
Current State is 0207. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and UPPERslice has 2 good corners (i.e. have matching side-colors).

The other 2 UPPERcorners are in swapped locations.

Current State is 1207. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. TOPslice has 2 good corners (i.e. have matching side-colors).

The other 2 TOPcorners are in swapped locations.

Current State is 0208. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and UPPERslice has 2 good corners on the LEFT.
Current State is 1208. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. TOPslice has 2 good corners on the LEFT.
Current State is 0209. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and UPPERslice has no good corner, i.e. there are no 2 adjacent corners with same side-color.
Current State is 1209. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped.

TOPslice has no good corner, i.e. there are no 2 adjacent corners with same side-color.

Current State is 0401. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners..

But the 4 edges do not have all the 4 side-colors as UPPERcorners; 1 color is missing.

Current State is 0402. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners..

But the 4 edges do not have all the 4 side-colors as UPPERcorners; 2 colors are missing.

Current State is 0403. The MIDDLE2slices are in square-shape and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners..

But the side-colors of the 2 slices are not aligned or do not match up.

Current State is 1403. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners..

But the side-colors of the 2 slices are not aligned or do not match up.

Current State is 1404. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped. and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners.

At least 2 of the 4 TOPedges' top-colors do not match TOPcorners' top-color.

Current State is 1405. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners. But the

Two of the 4 TOPedges' top-colors do not match TOPcorners' top-color.

Current State is 1406. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners.

Two of the 4 TOPedges' top-colors do not match TOPcorners' top-color but they are not diagonally opposite (i.e. next to each other).

Current State is 1407. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners.

Two of the 4 TOPedges' top-colors do not match TOPcorners' top-color but luckily they are diagonally opposite.

Current State is 1408. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners.

One of the TOPedges' top-color does not match TOPcorners' top-color.

Current State is 0500. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But the slices are not aligned because the side-colors of the 2 slices are not matching.

Current State is 1500. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But the slices are not aligned because the side-colors of the 2 slices are not matching.

Current State is 0501. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But UPPERslice has a good edge on the RIGHT.

Current State is 1501. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But TOPslice has a good edge on the RIGHT.

Current State is 0502. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But LOWERslice has more good edge than the UPPERslice (or UPPERslice already has 4 good edges).

Current State is 1502. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But BOTTOMslice has more good edge than the TOPslice (or TOPslice already has 4 good edges).

Current State is 0509. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

In these 2 slices, there are 6 good edges (in their correct locations) and 2 bad edges (an ODD configuration).

Current State is 1503. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

In these 2 slices, there are 6 good edges (in their correct locations) and 2 bad edges (an ODD configuration).

Current State is 1504. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPslice is now tulip-shape and BOTTOMslice star-shape.

This state comes about as a result of trying to resolve an ODD configuration (in which the cube has 2 bad edges and 10 edges good edges).

Current State is 0505. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But UPPERslice has some bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 1505. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But TOPslice has some bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 0506. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But UPPERslice has 2 bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 1506. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But TOPslice has 2 bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 0507. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

The UPPERslice has 2 bad edges in swapped locations (i.e. each should be in the other's location).

Current State is 1507. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

The TOPslice has 2 bad edges in swapped locations (i.e. each should be in the other's location).

Current State is 0508. The MIDDLE2slices are square-shaped and both UPPERslice and LOWERslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have the 4 distinct side-colors.

But UPPERslice has some bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 1508. The MIDDLE2slices are solved and TOPBOTTOMslices are square-shaped and both TOPslice and BOTTOMslice have good corners and each slice's 4 edges have same top-color.

But TOPslice has some bad edges (not in their correct locations) that need to be fixed.

Current State is 1601. The MIDDLE2slices is solved (both slices are square-shape and have matching side-colors).

But TOPslice and BOTTMOslice do not have matching side-colors.

Current State is 1602. The TOPBOTTOMslices are solved (both are square-shape and have matching side-colors).

But MIDDLE2slices' side-colors are not matching those of TOPBOTTOMslices.

Current State is 1701. TOPslice and BOTTOMslice are solved (all slices are square-shape and have matching side-colors).

The 2 halfmoon discs on TOPslice have save colors but does not match TOPslice's top-color.

Current State is 1702. TOPslice and BOTTOMslice are solved (all slices are square-shape and have matching side-colors).

But the 2 halfmoon discs on TOPslice have different colors.